Hey, you've made it to the new home for the Animal Control System for Cattaraugus County.
What is this?
This system is for Town Clerks, Animal Control Officers and Cattaraugus County Employees.
If you're logged in then view the animals [1] ... if not then sign in [2].
Welcome to the new home of the Cattaraugus County Animal Control System.
Report a Live/Injured Wild Animal?
Call the following:
Wildlife Health on NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation [3]
Cattaraugus County Sheriff's Office at 716-938-9191 [4]
Report a Dead Wild Animal
Report a Wild dead animal to either:
- Region 9 of New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation [5]
- If the animal is dead on a town-maintained road then call the town; View the Directory of Contacts for Municipalities [6].
- If the animal is dead on a county-maintained road then call the Highway Division of the Cattaraugus County Dept. of Public Works at (716) 938-9121 [7]
- If the animal is dead on a state-maintained road then call the NYS Dept. of Transportation - Salamanca at (716) 945-4562 [8].
Report a Dead Dog or Cat
Contact an animal control officer - See below.
Contact an Animal/Dog Control Officer for a Municipality
- City of Olean 716-376-5604
- City of Salamanca 716-474-5976 or 716-945-4620
- Town of Allegany 716-557-2207 or 716-373-0120
- Town of Ashford 716-364-4427 or 716-942-6016
- Town of Carrollton 716-481-6981 or 716-925-8842
- Town of Coldspring 716-499-4857 or 716-354-5752
- Town of Conewango 716-358-9577 ext.7 or 716-358-9577
- Town of Dayton 716-532-0449 or 716-532-3758
- Town of East Otto 716-364-4427
- Town of Ellicottville 716-244-3597 or 716-699-2240
- Town of Farmersville 716-364-4427 or 716-676-3030
- Town of Franklinville 716-364-4427 or 716-676-3077
- Town of Freedom 716-498-1973 or 716-492-0961
- Town of Great Valley 716-945-0943 or 716-945-4200
- Town of Hinsdale 716-378-7227 or 716-557-2478
- Town of Humphrey 716-945-0943 or 716-945-2319
- Town of Ischua 716-676-3016 or 716-557-8787
- Town of Leon 716-296-5709 or 716-296-8132
- Town of Little Valley 716-364-4427 or 716-938-6441
- Town of Lyndon 716-676-3726 or 716-676-9928
- Town of Machias 716-364-4427 or 716-353-8207
- Town of Mansfield 716-364-4427 or 716-257-9288
- Town of Napoli 716-945-0943 or 716-938-6836
- Town of New Albion 716-364-4427 or 716-257-5677
- Town of Olean 716-378-7227 or 716-373-0582
- Town of Otto 716-257-3208 or 716-257-3111
- Town of Perrysburg 716-532-2015 or 716-532-4090
- Town of Persia 716-432-0554 or 716-532-4042
- Town of Portville 716-790-2309 or 716-933-6658
- Town of Randolph 716-945-0943 or 716-358-9701
- Town of Red House 716-364-4427 or 716-354-5052
- Town of Salamanca 716-945-0943 or 716-945-4775
- Town of South Valley 716-945-0943 or 716-354-2090
- Town of Yorkshire 716-435-9060 or 716-492-1640
- Village of Allegany 716-373-1460
- Village of Cattaraugus 716-364-4427 or 716-257-3661
- Village of Delevan 716-517-1088 or 716-492-1424
- Village of Ellicottville 716-716-699-4636
- Village of Franklinville 716-676-3010
- Village of Gowanda 716-532-3353
- Village of Little Valley 716-364-4427 or 716-938-9151
- Village of Portville 716-933-6658 or 716-933-8407
- Village of South Dayton 716-532-0449 or 716-988-3833
If you didn't see the municipality in the list above then please check the following options:
- Download the latest Catt. County's Directory of Officials [9] which lists Dog Control Officers for most municipalities.
- Jump to a community/municipality website from Catt. County's Municipalities page [10]
Need Access to this System?
Please contact the Web Technician either:
- complete the Contact/Feedback form [11] with your name, organization/municipality name, phone number and email address
- call 716-938-2305
User Notes
July 1, 2019: Documentation for the Animal Control System will be posted soon.
May 9, 2019: The Animal Control System is ready. This was a copy of the County website so we are removing content that is unrelated to the ACS. The 2018 Roadmap has not been completed due to choices made up the chain of command.
Road Map / Feature Requests
View the DRAFT Roadmap [12].
Report an issue / Request a Feature
If you find something doesn't look right, or you'd like to see something improved or implemented then please fill out the website feedback form [11].